When you are looking for the best cash back credit card offer the fact is that every blogger and website owner has a hidden agenda. The agenda is they are going to try to make money off you applying for a credit card.

For absolute transparency, I am too. Yes, I make money by referring people to credit card offers but the difference between me versus them is the fact that I actually give a darn about your financial future!

Stack of credit cards

So, before I dive into revealing the truth behind what are the best cash back credit cards, there are a few things you must know before you delve in an blindly apply for a credit card.

Here are some plain truth facts you need to consider before you apply for a credit card or any form of loan for that matter:

Because interest rates can fluctuate you should look at factors such as ongoing APR, ideally you want to apply for a card offer that leaves rates unchanged.

The best cash back credit card to apply for should not only offer cash back rewards but also offer a 0% Intro Rate. You need to know this; some card offers have 0% for 12mos.

The Federal Reserve enacted legislation that forces card issuers to state in plain English as to what the exact date introductory 0% APR offers expire and the exact dates the ongoing interest rates are allotted for. In the best scenarios you want to apply for a credit that does not fluctuate the ongoing APR without advance notice. The exact number of men and women who don’t know these key factors is astonishing!

There are tons of families where the men and women of the household don’t bother to look at interest rates, annual fees or the terms and conditions of keeping the 0% intro APR.

Due to being overburdened with day to day living issues there are far too many people that lose out on opportunities to save money on their credit card debt!

During my interviews with financial planners they report that most of their clients don’t bother checking the cost of having a credit card and thus don’t reap the benefits of a cash back rewards program.

According to a major credit card review website:

“Far too many men, women and families fail to read the fine print on credit card offers and violate the terms and conditions. As a result of the consumer to enact due diligence in researching the terms and conditions they pay far too much in interest charges and other fees.”

They went on to say, “If credit card applicants would take an extra 2 or 3 minutes out of their busy lives, they could save hundreds if not thousands of dollars on credit card fees. Fees such as interest rates and annual card costs could be reduced significantly if card applicants would simply apply for the card offer that is best for them.”

It is common that financial planners recommend leading a cash-only lifestyle, which makes perfect sense because when you live by a cash only model you avoid getting over your head in credit card debt.

However if you can discipline yourself to point where you are responsible and pay the balance owing every month then you can leverage earnings offered by credit cards with cash back rewards.

Many financial experts suggest that the problem is widespread, the problem being that most people simply don’t have the time to take advantage of some key benefits offered by credit card issuers.

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