If you’re like most people, then you probably already have a credit card to help you consolidate your expenses, cover you in case of emergency, or finance large purchases. However, you need to know that if that card isn’t a cash back credit card, then you’re not even coming close to getting everything you can out of your credit. The truth is, credit isn’t just about simple convenience anymore. More and more credit companies are finding out that if they want your business, then they need to offer their customers something extra when it comes to the programs they choose.
1. Using any card other than a cash back credit card means you’re losing money.
Everyday, run of the mill credit cards just offer you the convenience of using them and that’s it. However, a cash back rewards card actually offers you something in return – a cash return on every single purchase you make on the card itself. Depending on the program you use, you could be enjoying savings at rates up to 5%. Could you stand to benefit from getting 5% off your electric bill? How about your medical expenses, nights out with friends, or pretty much anything else under the sun? If so, then you owe it to yourself to make the switch as soon as possible. Every day you wait means more money lost!
2. Cash back credit cards are inexpensive to use.
Typical credit cards charge sky-high interest rates and sometimes even hefty annual fees just to be a part of their program. However, cash reward cards have some of the lowest interest rates on the market and many don’t charge any type of annual fee either. Choose the right card, and you can even benefit from an incredible 0% APR for the first 12 months you have your account to help get things off on the right foot. Keep your balance low and pay it off in full whenever possible to help keep your APR low and maximize rewards even further.
3. Save the most on your everyday essentials.
Did you know that many cash back credit cards allow consumers to earn rewards at greater rates for purchases on essentials like groceries or gasoline? Gas prices especially are putting quite a dent in the average person’s bank balance these days, so this is a major benefit to consider. Before filling out a cash back credit card application, do your homework as far as what’s available and keep your eyes open for a program that will offer you this priceless opportunity to save even more.
These major benefits and many like them are yours in addition to the other perks that come along with using credit to help manage your finances. Credit is safer and more effective than cash or debit cards when it comes to fraud protection. Customer service is better and more efficient. Plus, using credit wisely helps increase your overall credit rating, making it easier to be approved for housing and loans or even to get a job. With a cash back credit card in your pocket, the sky’s the limit when it comes to streamlining your life and making your hard-earned money go further than it ever has before.